Complex indoor air quality problems require a multi-disciplined approach to assess indoor contaminants, evaluate HVAC performance, and develop engineering solutions.
Solving complex indoor air quality (IAQ) problems is our passion. Air quality issues often have multiple contributing factors and require a flexible and diagnostic approach. CCA’s team of doctorate-level health scientists, Certified Industrial Hygienists, and Professional Engineers use specialized assessment techniques to identify sources of chemical or biological contamination, entry pathways, and dispersion mechanisms. Initial screening techniques typically include:
Physical Indoor Air Quality Inspections. A visual survey of the building’s outdoor environment, the complaint area, a control area, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
IAQ Performance Measurements. Direct-reading measurements of building temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.
Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) Measurements. Initial screening measurements for total VOCs.
Infrared Guided and Direct Moisture Measurements. Direct and indirect measurements of building materials when moisture intrusion issues are suspected.
Complex IAQ problems may require more specialized methods to identify specific contaminants and facilitate their removal or control. Some examples of advanced environmental monitoring methods include:
Time-integrated Air Sampling. Techniques may include laboratory analysis to identify specific VOCs or aerosols using EPA, OSHA, and NIOSH validated methods. Examples include formaldehyde, ozone, combustion products, heavy metals, microbial VOCs, bioaerosols, and allergens.
Whole Air Sampling. Sampling using an evacuated canister for analysis using EPA methods TO-14A and TO-15 to assess a broad range of hazardous air pollutants.
Long-term IAQ Monitoring. On-going data-logging using direct reading instrumentation for VOCs, gases, and particulates.
Tracer Gas Testing. A non-destructive testing method to evaluate ventilation-related IAQ problems and paths of contaminant infiltration.
Our health scientists and Certified Industrial Hygienists specialize in indoor mold investigations and litigation support for mold-related claims.
CCA conducts comprehensive mold and moisture investigations and provides litigation support services to evaluate and solve fungal growth problems in commercial, municipal, and residential buildings. Our team of doctorate-level health scientists, Certified Industrial Hygienists, and Professional Engineers have conducted hundreds of mold and moisture investigations and are experts in the characterization, documentation, and remediation of indoor mold growth.
CCA is here to support property owners, insurance companies, and attorneys in the following areas:
Physical Mold Inspections. A visual survey of the building’s outdoor environment, the complaint area, a control area, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
Surface and Bulk Mold Sampling. Bulk, swab, and tape-lift sampling to collect and characterize suspect mold growth.
Airborne Mold Sampling. Culture-based and non-culture-based air sampling to measure the pretense and concentration of airborne fungi.
Infrared guided and Direct Moisture Measurements. Direct and indirect measurements of building materials when moisture intrusion issues are suspected.
Expert Witness & Litigation Support for Mold and Moisture Issues. CCA provides expert witness and litigation support for mold and moisture issues related to construction defects and environmental health claims.
There were ~50,0000 confirmed Legionnaires’ cases in the United States between 2000 – 2015. Our team of experts will help you develop a defensible plan to mitigate, investigate, and remediate Legionella problems.
CCA’s team of multi-disciplined experts can help your facility reduce its risk of a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak. Our experts, including doctorate-level health scientists, Certified Industrial Hygienists, and Professional Engineers, will work with your organization to develop a defensible water management program, implement control measures, and respond to or investigate potential Legionella-related outbreaks.
Examples of our Legionella related services include:
Water Management Program (WMP) Development. A written program that identifies hazardous conditions and specific steps to minimize the growth and spread of Legionella in building water systems.
On-Site Survey of Building Water Systems. A physical survey to systematically document building water systems and develop process flow diagrams in accordance with ASHRAE 188 and U.S. Center for Disease Control guidelines.
Risk Assessment. An analysis to identify hazardous conditions in building water systems and establish control measures and limits to prevent Legionella growth.
Engineering Reviews of Building Water Systems. A detailed review of HVAC, plumbing, and mechanical systems by a Professional Engineer to identify points of stagnation and develop specific engineering solutions for Legionella control.
Legionella Testing. Collection of environmental water samples or biofilm to validate WMP effectiveness or identify source locations. All samples are analyzed by a CDC ELITE certified laboratory.
Legionella Outbreak Response. Owner’s representation and third-party testing/validation during emergency remediation of Legionella in your building’s water system.
Forensic Investigation. Retrospective investigations and litigation support from doctorate-level health scientists, Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), and Professional Engineers.
Legionella Management in the Hospitality and Healthcare Industries
Indoor Air Quality Issues and Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation
Featured Experts
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The description anywhere on this website of the results of any specific case or transaction does not mean or suggest that similar results can or could be obtained in any other matter. Each matter must be considered to be unique and subject to varying results. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and circumstances and the law applicable to your situation. You should consult an attorney for advice concerning your specific situation.