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Clark Griffith, AIA

President, Director of Architectural Services, CCA, LLC

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How to Cope with Cold Climate Ice Dams

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 13, 2015 4:31:43 PM / by Clark Griffith, AIA

Another winter of excessive snow - and ice dams - is upon us

In cold, wintery climates, ice dams are just a fact of life. While some years are worse than others (depending on the amount and timing of snowfall and temperature fluctuations), this year they are back with a vengeance - particularly in the Northeast. 

In new construction, proper workmanship and a variety of techniques can make it easier to prevent ice dams and their subsequent damage. But what can property owners of existing problematic buildings do - and not do - to help prevent reoccurring leaks, stains, damaged property, and the risk of mold and mildew growth?

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